Keeping your boat engine and drive in top
condition is easy as long as you avoid a few pitfalls and have basic fluids and
some parts checked/changed.
Just like a car you should have your boat serviced at regular intervals. This way the next time you launch your boat you won't have any surprises. We have put together a list of things that you can do to save yourself some grief, money, time , and most of all disappointment.
Boats are fun! Or at least they should be.
Don't let a few bad habits ruin it for you. Owning a boat comes with a short list of critical items that you must stay on top of in order to obtain the years of service that the boat was designed for. Unlike a car a boats integrity can rapidly deteriorate if left unattended. Boat owners commonly make the mistake of thinking that they can leave their boat in the driveway (or worse; in the water) and come back to it several months later and it will start and run like it did the day they left it.